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Charges Dropped In Case Of Illegal Circumcision

Charges Dropped In Case Of Illegal Circumcision

Charges Dropped In Case Of Illegal Circumcision

Prosecutors dropped charges against a man from Nixa who was indicted last August on felony charges of child endangerment and unauthorized practice of medicine or surgery.

Curtis Abbott, 48, was accused of illegally circumcising two teenagers.

Abbott isn’t a doctor and was looking at possible prison time.

Abbott’s attorney Stacie Bilyeu says the Christian County Prosecutor’s Office dropped those charges against Abbott last week.

Christian County Prosecutor Amy Fite said the state announced in open court last week that it was dismissing the case against Abbott, citing defendants obeying laws, attending counseling or anger management classes, in a deffered prosecution agreement that comes with provisions .

If defendants violate those provisions regarding the dropped charges, prosecutors can refile the original criminal charges.

The News-Leader reports that Abbott’s 2017 divorce case shed more light on Abbott and his strong religious convictions.

The filings say Abbott claimed to have multiple prophetic communications, raised exotic livestock and had a strong interest in polygamy.

Abbott told the News-Leader in 2018 that the allegations against him in the circumcision case were false and he looked forward to clearing his name.

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