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MoDOT Crews Will Be Out Through The Night Monitoring The Roads

MoDOT Crews Will Be Out Through The Night Monitoring The Roads

MoDOT Crews Will Be Out Through The Night Monitoring The Roads

As the snow fizzles out of the Ozarks, MoDOT is left to clean up the roadways.

District Maintenance Engineer Darin Hamelink says they are trying to get everything treated as fast as possible.

“We are making progress in the Springfield area, we will still be making a few rounds on the routs to make sure everything is dry,” Hamelink says.

Once that is done, he says they are going to shift their focus to the south. Hamelink says they are focusing in Taney County where they received a little more than an inch in a few areas.

Crews will be on hand throughout the night to monitor the road temperatures to minimize refreezing.

You can check out the current road conditions on the MoDOT Traveler Information Map.

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