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FEMA Approves Reimbursements For 14 Additional Counties And The City Of St. Louis

FEMA Approves Reimbursements For 14 Additional Counties And The City Of St. Louis

FEMA Approves Reimbursements For 14 Additional Counties And The City Of St. Louis

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved a request from Missouri to include assistance for local governments and non-profit agencies in 14 counties and the city of St. Louis.

FEMA’s help will come in reimbursements to emergency response costs and repairs to infrastructure due to the flooding and storms from April 29 to July 5 of this year.

The counties include Benton, Boone, Callaway, Clay, Cooper, Dunklin, Gasconade, Howard, Lafayette, Lincoln, Pulaski, Scot, St. Charles and St. Clair.

That brings the total of counties and cities receiving assistance to 82.

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