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WATCH: Tuesday Night’s State Of The Union Address

WATCH: Tuesday Night’s State Of The Union Address

WATCH: Tuesday Night’s State Of The Union Address

(AP) — President Donald Trump will deliver his State of the Union address Tuesday night on the eve of his likely impeachment acquittal and in the aftermath of the chaotic first votes of the race to replace him.

Trump is the first president to run for reelection after being impeached.

He’s expected to use his prime-time speech to lay out his case for a second term amid suspense about whether he’ll address the charges against him.

Trump will speak in the well of the House of Representatives on the opposite side of the Capitol from where the Senate the next day is expected to acquit him largely along party lines.

The White House excluded CNN from its annual off-the-record briefing with television news personalities prior to the State of the Union address.

The action took place without public protest from CNN or other journalists, and no one boycotted the event to support CNN.

That stands in contrast to an event in Britain this week, where several journalists walked out of a briefing planned by Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s administration in objection to colleagues being barred.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper attended the event last year.

The network has been President Donald Trump’s favorite target in his complaints about journalists.

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