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Greene County Clerk Says Voting Stations Will be “Safe and Secure”

Greene County Clerk Says Voting Stations Will be “Safe and Secure”

Greene County Clerk Says Voting Stations Will be “Safe and Secure”

The Greene County Clerk’s office will be taking additional health precautions during the General Municipal Election on Tuesday.

Greene County Clerk Shane Schoeller says every polling location will have antiseptic wipes, disinfectant wipes, screen wipes, and more.

Voters will have nitrile gloves for use and pen sanitization stations.

We have included the entire news release below.

Office of the County Clerk: Shane Schoeller announced today that the County Clerk’s office is taking additional precautionary steps to ensure the health and safety of citizens voting in the General Municipal Election on Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020.

“As the COVID-19 Pandemic continues to present new challenges to our state and nation, I want to make sure that the Clerk’s Office does everything in our scope of responsibility to ensure that Green County elections remain as safe and secure as possible so that citizens can cast a ballot with confidence. That’s why we are taking additional steps, and providing additional protective equipment, in partnership with Secretary Ashcroft’s Office, to protect both voter and election judge as we hold the election on June 2.”

In the past, the Clerk’s office has always ensured that there are some supplies at every polling place to clean and sanitize voting machines, styli, and other election day equipment. This year those supplies are being substantially increased, and new supplies provided as well.

Specific steps the County Clerk’s office is taking include the following:

1. Installing absentee ballot application drop boxes at the Historic Courthouse and Elections Center;

2. Providing alcohol antiseptic wipes for each polling location;

3. Providing disinfectant wipes to clean voting booth table surfaces;

4. Providing screen wipes available at each location;

5. Providing Nitrile gloves for voter to use while operating the touchscreen voting equipment;

6. Providing sanitization stations for pens to ensure that all pens can be sanitized;

7. Providing additional election judges to ensure the frequency of sanitization of each location;

8. Providing plexiglass sneezeguards at each check-in station at each location;

9. Providing Personal Protective Equipment for election judges at each location;

10. Providing social distancing informational posters and floor markers, both supplied by the Secretary of State’s office to promote social distancing at each location.

In addition, the Clerk’s office is encouraging voters to bring their own styli and black ballpoint pen to use when signing or voting on any of the touchscreen equipment at the polling location, as well as their own hand sanitizer, 0and to consider washing their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds before and after they enter a polling location.

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