The Community Blood Center of the Ozarks has declared a state of emergency after its reserves have dropped dangerously low.
Severe weather has prevented almost all mobile blood drives, leaving the blood center in a lurch and without an estimated 500 donors. The blood center provides blood for patients at 44 area healthcare facilities.
“We simply cannot withstand an extended period of a severe reduction blood donations” said Anthony Roberts, the executive director of CBCO. “The outcome could be tragic for area patients if we run out of blood.”
A blood drive will be held today until 3 p.m. and tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the CBCO Springfield Donor Center on Plainview Road.
Donors will be eligible to win a 500 dollar gift card. CBCO thanks Greg and Carol Shackelford of Nixa for their donation.