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Mon - Fri: 07:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Don’t Like Working In A Cubicle? Try The Skilled Trades

Don’t Like Working In A Cubicle? Try The Skilled Trades

Don’t Like Working In A Cubicle? Try The Skilled Trades


Workers across the country have been quitting their jobs, looking for new careers.

Charlyce Ruth with the Associated General Contractors of Missouri says if you don’t like the job you have now, the skilled trades could be right for you.

“Even if you’re in the accounting field in the construction industry, you’re still part of building that new bridge, replacing those roads, building that new building, renovating a building. You just get to explore all parts of the world, quite frankly, in the construction industry.”

Ruth says the construction industry is picking up again after the pandemic, but it doesn’t have enough workers to meet demand.

“The other issue we have right now is our population is aging. A lot of people are retiring. And we are not a job that can be done at home for the most part. It’s boots on the ground, it’s people working in the field. Whether it be in the office doing the accounting side or out laying pavement, building bridges, building skyscrapers.”

Ruth says there are lots of ways to get started.

“Traditionally, high schools have pushed the fact that you have to go to a four-year college to be successful in any industry. And that’s not true in the construction industry. You have so many opportunities. You can go to work straight out of high school. You can choose to join the union straight out of high school. You can get a two-year degree, you can get a four-year degree. So whatever your learning style is, we have those opportunities for you. You start at the ground level and the sky’s the limit. You can work up as high as you want in the company. Start your own business. There (are) so many opportunities.”

The Springfield Chamber of Commerce says most jobs in the skilled trades don’t require a four-year degree.

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