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Springfield Police Clear Backlog Of Sexual Assault Kits

Springfield Police Clear Backlog Of Sexual Assault Kits

Springfield Police Clear Backlog Of Sexual Assault Kits

The Springfield Police Department has cleared a backlog of sexual assault kits, sending out the final 15 kits for testing.

The department has spent nearly two years working with state and local partners to secure funding and a lab.

The initial backlog included 231 kits dating back to 1989 to 2015.

Press Release 

On Sept. 23, 2021, the Springfield Police Department cleared its backlog of sexual assault kits, shipping the final 15 kits to a lab for testing. This comes after a nearly two-year process of working with local and state partners to secure funding and a laboratory.

The initial SPD backlog consisted of 231 kits dating from 1989 – 2015. In December of 2019 the SPD was selected as the first agency to participate in the Missouri Attorney General’s SAFE Kits Initiative (SAKI), and the first 30 backlogged kits were sent to a private lab (BODE Technology) for testing. In 2020, SAKI supported an additional 82 backlogged kits to be sent for testing.

SAKI, funded by a grant administered from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, was launched by Attorney General Eric Schmitt in January of 2019 to inventory all untested sexual assault kits, create an electronic tracking system and send those identified kits to a lab for forensic testing.

In February 2021, with support from the Springfield City Council Task Force on Sexual Assault, Council approved $120,000 to send an additional 119 kits for testing. Those kits were sent to the lab on August 25th. At that time, SPD learned of an additional 15 backlogged kits that were being housed at the Missouri State Highway Patrol crime lab. This morning, (Sept. 23, 2021) SAKI working group Chair Judge M. Keithley Williams visited the SPD Headquarters to assist with preparing the 15 kits and they were shipped to BODE Technology for testing.

“We can honestly and truly say we are at zero untested backlogged kits and we can’t thank our partners at the state level, federal level, and the City Council Sexual Assault Task Force members enough for getting us to that point,” said Springfield Police Chief Paul Williams. “I also appreciate and applaud the dedication of SPD staff, specifically those in our Special Victims Unit and Property Room, who have worked tirelessly to ensure that this process was handled with meticulous care. Now we can move forward in these investigations and help survivors of sexual assault in Springfield seek long-awaited justice.”

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