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FDA Issues New Warnings to Two New Eye Drop Product

FDA Issues New Warnings to Two New Eye Drop Product

FDA Issues New Warnings to Two New Eye Drop Product


Many Americans make use of eyedrops on a daily basis.  If you do, you’ll want to be aware of a warning put out the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The FDA has issued a warning to consumers to stop using two new eye drop products. The two products identified are “Dr. Berne’s MSM Drops 5% Solution” and “LightEyez MSM Eye Drops – Eye Repair.”

The FDA says these eye drops have potential bacterial or fungal contamination, which can lead to vision and life-threatening infections.

These are but the latest warnings about eye drops from the FDA. Earlier this year, a number of eye drop brands were linked to a drug-resistant bacteria outbreak that resulted in four deaths and many infections in a total of 18 states.

To read more on this, go to CBS News.

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