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KTTS All Night Long

Mon - Fri: 12:00 AM - 5:00 AM

Fotsch’s Furry Friends: Cletus

Fotsch’s Furry Friends: Cletus

Fotsch’s Furry Friends: Cletus

KTTS, Big Whiskey’s American Restaurant & Bar, and Springfield HVAC Company would love to introduce you to a very special furry friend of ours.
Meet a very sweet boy named Cletus. He is a 10-month-old lab-mix. Cletus is an incredibly sweet dog that is just as gentle as can be. He gets along great with everyone that he meets. He is a very well behaved boy that even knows a few commands. If you think that this wonderful dog would make a good addition to your family please contact our friends at SWH.ORG.
Find out how to schedule a meet and greet with Cletus when you reach out to our friends at The Humane Society of Southwest Missouri today, or give them a call at 417-833-2526. Special thanks to our friends at Big Whiskey’s American Restaurant & Bar and Springfield HVAC Company for making the Fotsch’s Furry Friends segment possible.

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