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Local “Me Too” Group Seeks Judge Calvin Holden’s Resignation

Local “Me Too” Group Seeks Judge Calvin Holden’s Resignation

Local “Me Too” Group Seeks Judge Calvin Holden’s Resignation

The Springfield chapter of “Me Too” says it’s collecting signatures calling for Judge Calvin Holden to resign.

The group posted on Facebook Wednesday saying it’s calling for Holden’s resignation because of his “well-known reputation for giving lenient sentences to those convicted of sexual crimes.”

The group says the post is a call to action. Me Too Springfield plans to collect signatures online and at the 2019 Me Too Springfield Rally.

The petition calls upon the Missouri General Assembly, the Commission on Retirement, Removal and Discipline, and The 31st Judicial Court for the removal of Judge Calvin Holden of the Greene County, Missouri 31st Judicial Circuit from his position.

The group claims Holden “has a habit of giving the light sentence of nothing more than 5 years probation.”

In the post on Facebook, Me Too Springfield references a number of men convicted of sex crimes who received no prison time. The group says that’s been the sentence for more than half of Holden’s cases.

The post says, “Sexual assault, especially against a child, is not something to take lightly. When judges allow these people to remain on the street, they are putting other potential victims at risk, and do not deter others from committing such crimes.”

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