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#MeToo Rally To Be Held on Springfield Park Central Square

#MeToo Rally To Be Held on Springfield Park Central Square

#MeToo Rally To Be Held on Springfield Park Central Square

MeToo Springfield is holding a rally at Park Central Square for the victims of sexual assault on September 14th, 2019. The rally will last from 4pm to 7pm.

The event will include some musical performances, a “What Were You Wearing” art exhibit, a self-defense demo, and a speaker lineup of local experts.

President of the organization Jordan Harris says MeToo Springfield is here to offer support and community to the sexual assault victims of Springfield and of the surrounding areas.

She says that there are people in the community who want to help others through the struggles they face.

The rally is designed to be inclusive and the event’s organizers say that people of color, LGBTQ people, religious communities, and people with disabilities are welcome.

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