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Jury Finds Kenneth Robert Davis Guilty On All Counts

Jury Finds Kenneth Robert Davis Guilty On All Counts

Jury Finds Kenneth Robert Davis Guilty On All Counts

A jury from Greene County has found a man accused of beating his daughter guilty on all seven counts of child abuse.

Kenneth Robert Davis is from Springfield. He now faces life in prison for severely beating, choking, and pulling out his eight-year-old daughter’s hair in June of 2018.

A judge will now be deciding Davis’ sentence, not the jury.

Jurors heard closing arguments Thursday morning. They took just three hours to deliberate.

On Wednesday, Davis took the stand to tell his side of the story and answer questions from attorneys on both sides. He described at fun-filled day at the creek with his daughter, and claimed she got severe injuries by falling into a curb, as well as while climbing into the back seat of a car.

Investigators for Greene County told the court a different story, as well as the victim herself. Davis’ daughter testified earlier in the week that he had pulled her hair out during the beating.

Davis will also be in court in Dallas County next week for charges involving the abuse and death of 3-year-old Kinzlea Kilgore.

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