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PSA: Greene County Clerk Warns of False Facebook Post

PSA: Greene County Clerk Warns of False Facebook Post

PSA: Greene County Clerk Warns of False Facebook Post

Greene County Clerk Shane Schoeller is warning of a Facebook post that could get your ballot discarded.

The post warns users to be vigilant, and tells them to ask for a new ballot if the one they have is marked in the corner.

“if you are checking in at the polls and they happen to write anything on your ballot before they give it to you to put in the voting machine…a letter, a checkmark, a star, an R or a D any writing of any kind… PLEASE REQUEST A NEW BALLOT”

The post describes marking as a “suspicious behavior” and for people to be “vigilant.”

In Missouri, it is illegal for an election judge not to mark a ballot. (See here, chapter 115, section 433.)

Schoeller says this allows an election judge to notice a potentially fake ballot. If you don’t have an election judge initial your vote, he adds, make sure they do.

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