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Mon - Fri: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Health Leaders, City Say Time To Wear Masks Is Now

Health Leaders, City Say Time To Wear Masks Is Now

Health Leaders, City Say Time To Wear Masks Is Now

The city of Springfield is renewing its call for a statewide face mask mandate.

Governor Parson has refused to issue one, saying it’s up to individuals to make sure they wear masks and curb the spread of the coronavirus.

But Dr. Bob Hughes with the Missouri Foundation for Health says the spread of the coronavirus is a statewide issue – one that can’t be contained at the local level.

Leaders with CoxHealth and Mercy say the surge in hospitalizations is threatening to overwhelm their hospitals.

Missouri is one of 13 states without a face mask mandate.

Governor Parson issued a public health warning Friday, instead asking cities and counties to do more to crack down on the spread of the virus.

Springfield city leaders reminded people to follow the guidelines of the Road to Recovery order.

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