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Community Blood Center of the Ozarks Holds Blood Drive After State of Emergency

Community Blood Center of the Ozarks Holds Blood Drive After State of Emergency

Community Blood Center of the Ozarks Holds Blood Drive After State of Emergency

The Community Blood Center of the Ozarks has declared a state of emergency after its reserves have dropped dangerously low.

Severe weather has prevented almost all mobile blood drives, leaving the blood center in a lurch and without an estimated 500 donors. The blood center provides blood for patients at 44 area healthcare facilities.

“We simply cannot withstand an extended period of a severe reduction blood donations” said Anthony Roberts, the executive director of CBCO. “The outcome could be tragic for area patients if we run out of blood.”

A blood drive will be held today until 3 p.m. and tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the CBCO Springfield Donor Center on Plainview Road.

Donors will be eligible to win a 500 dollar gift card. CBCO thanks Greg and Carol Shackelford of Nixa for their donation.

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