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Hearing Tonight On Green Bridge Closure

Hearing Tonight On Green Bridge Closure

Hearing Tonight On Green Bridge Closure


(KTTS News) — The Green Bridge on Smyrna Road over the Finley River will be closed on Thursday, February 8.

A study by an engineering firm says the 112-year-old bridge is no longer safe.

The bridge is one of three bridges that Christian County leaders plan to replace.

All three bridges are over 100-years-old.

The Christian County Highway Department will be hosting an informational meeting regarding the Green Bridge closure on Thursday February 8, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the Christian County Resource Management Building located at 1106 W. Jackson St. in Ozark.

Press Release

The bridge along Smyrna Road over the Finley River commonly known as Green Bridge was recently inspected in January by Lochner, Inc., an engineering firm specializing in bridge inspection working for MoDOT.

Green Bridge was originally constructed in 1912 making it now 112 years old.

Despite the fact that its life has been extended through patches and repairs over the years, it has been unable to support
larger emergency vehicles, fire trucks, school buses, etc. for decades.

Prior inspections of Green Bridge gave the superstructure which includes the major iron framework which supports the bridge a score of 3 – (serious condition) on MoDOT’s 10 point bridge condition scale.

As of last month, that rating is now downgraded to a 2 (basically intolerable requiring a high priority of replacement).

Factoring in the condition of the deck component which was already rated at 2 essentially means the overall condition has deteriorated to an intolerable state.

Quoted comments within the 41-page report include:

“We believe the section loss in the stringers throughout the bridge is the most significant defect on this bridge and places the bridge at high risk for sudden failure. After discussion with the MoDOT Bridge Management Engineer, it was decided that a bridge closure recommendation was warranted for this structure.”

“This bridge has reached the end of its service life, and we recommend that this bridge be closed to traffic. Repairs of the stringers and floor beams would be difficult to achieve and are not recommended. Bridge replacement is recommended.”

After receiving this report and in consultation with the County Commission, the Highway Administrator has agreed to follow MoDOT’s direction and close Green Bridge effective February 8, 2024.

Highway Administrator Miranda Beadles said, “While we were hoping the old bridge would survive until construction begins on the new bridge, the Commissioners and I are in agreement that it would be irresponsible, in light of this information, to risk our citizens safety on a bridge which is
at risk of sudden failure.”

Plans for a replacement bridge began in 2021 and have been progressing on a normal schedule toward construction. “When you factor in all of the design and planning as well as the numerous environmental studies required, the typical time required from start to finish to complete this type of project is 3 -4 years” said Beadles.

Currently, the project is on course to have its construction out for bid this summer barring any unforeseen delays.

Presiding Commissioner Morris added “While we understand this closure is a significant inconvenience for citizens in the area, it’s been no secret that the old bridge is in really bad shape.

The Christian County Highway Department will be hosting an informational meeting regarding the
Green Bridge closure on Thursday February 8, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the Christian County Resource
Management Building located at 1106 W. Jackson St. in Ozark.

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